e-Services :: Apply Online for Equating of Academic Documents

Instructions: <<Download Guidelines For Equating>> To apply online for Equating of Academic Documents, the Applicant shall: A) Provide Information about the Institution that awarded the Academic Qualification and that that requires the equated results such as Postal Address, Telephone, Email etc. B) Request the National Examination Body that issued the Academic Document to send a Verified Copy addressed to the Executive Director, UNEB by email at equating@uneb.ac.ug C) Upload a fully Filled and Signed Declaration form <<Download Declaration Form>> D) Provide details about the Applicant like Name, Valid ID, Email etc. Note:
1. Academic qualification documents (e.g. certificates) that are not written in English Language Shall be translated at UNEB Offices.
2. Each document from East Africa will be charged 200,000 UGX, while those from outside East Africa will be charged 250,000 UGX, payable through Airtel/MTN Mobile Money or Bank Deposits. An invoice/Payment advice will be generated for the applicant during the application process.
3. Academic qualification documents (e.g. certificates) that are not written in English Language Shall be translated at a Cost of 70,000 UGX per Results Page.
4. UNEB shall review your application only after the invoice has been paid , No refund shall be made.
5. The equating process takes Minimum 5(five) working days from the date of payment.
6. The equated documents shall be sent directly to the requesting institution.
7. Email/SMS Alerts/Notifications about the equating progress shall be sent to the provided contacts of the applicant.
8. No refund shall be made for equated documents.
9. UNEB shall not be held liable for any forgeries and alteration of equated results.
9. Post-Secondary School Qualifications (DIPLOMAS & DEGREES) are NOT equated by UNEB, contact National Council for Higher Education (NCHE).